
The 牙周病学研究生课程 at 亿德体育's Kornberg School of Dentistry provides qualified dentists with specialized clinical training and evidence-based education in all facets of periodontology and dental implantology. 课程强调广泛的骨性知识, regenerative and periodontal plastic surgical techniques as well as all aspects of surgical oral implantology. 学生获得牙周病和牙周病的研究生证书 口腔健康科学理学硕士这是该项目的要求.

严格的36个月, 全日制研究生课程为学生的实践做准备, 牙周病学和口腔种植学的教学与研究. You will receive advanced education related to the attachment apparatus of the dentition, 以及影响他们的疾病和条件. You’ll also study the prevention, diagnosis and treatment of those diseases.

Fully accredited by the American Dental Association Commission on Dental Accreditation, the Periodontology and Oral Implantology program’s curriculum comprises didactic coursework, which takes place primarily within the first year and integrates scientific periodontal and oral implantology literature with oral health sciences coursework. You will perform individual research and receive clinical instruction in Kornberg’s Graduate Clinic of Periodontology and Oral Implantology, 获得治疗不同患者群体的实际经验. 

The program’s emphasis on clinical patient care ensures competency in all areas of periodontal therapy including

  • 抗感染牙周化疗的现代方法
  • 切除、再生和牙周整形外科技术;
  • 口腔种植外科,包括引导手术;
  • 先进的场地准备技术;
  • sinus lift augmentation surgery; and
  • 锥形束计算机断层扫描的解释和使用.

科恩伯格牙科学院是一所备受追捧的大学, 位于费城中心的认证机构. In addition to the unique opportunities that come with attending school in a large city, 包括访问讲座系列和丰富多样的患者池, 牙周病研究生课程提供

  • 与大量的DMD学生群体合作;
  • 国际公认的师资力量;
  • 现代化、宽敞的诊所;
  • the Oral Microbiology Testing Service Laboratory—the only nationally based diagnostic periodontal microbiology testing service in the U.S. providing microbial culture and antibiotic susceptibility analysis of subgingival biofilm bacteria; and
  • 各种研究机会.

The Department of Periodontology and Oral Implantology faculty participate in research at the forefront of the field. 最近的研究包括以下内容.

  • 主要牙周病原菌抗生素耐药模式分析
  • Analysis of antimicrobial activity of iodine-based mouth rinses against periodontal bacterial pathogens
  • Evaluation of a rapid biologic indicator system for monitoring dental instrument sterilization
  • 磨牙-切牙型牙周炎遗传因素的评价
  • Examination of titanium particle release during laser-assisted debridement of implants exhibiting peri-implantitis
  • Exploration of silver diamine fluoride antimicrobial effects against subgingival periodontal pathogens




牙周病研究生课程的学生申请 口腔健康科学理学硕士 在接受该计划后. 在这个30学分的硕士研究生项目中, students apply modern biological principles and research techniques that aid in diagnosing, 治疗和预防口腔和颅面疾病和异常.

通过跨学科课程, 学生学习结构, development and function of oral tissues; their interrelationships; and their connections to other organ systems. 研究领域包括高级普通牙科, 临床领域, 牙周和颅面再生.

The program’s Clinical Specialty Track is specifically tailored for postgraduate students currently enrolled in an advanced training certificate in the Kornberg School of Dentistry. Coursework in students’ postgraduate certificate programs count toward the required 30 credits for the 口腔健康科学硕士 degree.



Graduate periodontology students matriculate at the beginning of July each year and must remain in continuous residence for the entire program. 不提供兼职选择.

Classes & Curriculum

The comprehensive program combines core required courses in periodontology and oral implantology with various courses in the oral health sciences. Clinical work and research are intended to give you advanced experience in a hospital setting and an understanding and compassion for patients. 


  • 经典牙周文献综述
  • 有意识的镇静
  • 当前牙周文献综述
  • 研究生牙周病学导论
  • 口腔种植学文献综述
  • 牙周病病例报告
  • 牙周病实践教学





Students who graduate from the Periodontology program are well-prepared to pursue a specialized career in periodontics—in academics, 政府, 临床及私人执业, and research. 毕业生具有牙周病和口腔生物学方面的专业知识, and they have the experience and compassion necessary for a patient-centered practice.


通过学生事务处, students pursuing careers in dentistry can get counseling and support during their tenure at Kornberg and after they graduate. The office regularly hosts career events and guest speakers covering a wide range of topics including

  • 公司和私人执业职业;
  • 债务管理,
  • 全科实习医师;
  • 服兵役,以及
  • 专科教育.

一旦参加了牙周病证书(研究生)课程, 你会定期收到工作机会的通知. 此外,学校提供了一个 工作机会一览表 为美国各地的牙科专业人员定期更新.S.

Tuition & Fees

为了与坦普尔大学对获取和负担得起的承诺保持一致, this Certificate in Periodontics offers a competitive level of tuition with multiple opportunities for financial support.

Tuition rates are set annually by the university and are affected by multiple factors, 包括课程学位水平(本科或研究生), 课程负荷(全日制或非全日制), 居住在州内或州外, and more. 

你可以看到完整的 学生财务服务网站上的出勤费用明细.