Bioinformatics PhD

成为生物数据计算分析方面的专家 Bioinformatics PhD in Temple’s College of Science and Technology. This full-time, 36-credit-hour doctoral program integrates biology, chemistry, computer science, mathematics and statistics in a research-focused curriculum. 您将开发、实施和管理研究复杂数据的工具. 大费城生物技术中心仅有的几个生物信息学博士项目之一, 该课程为您在工业和博士后学术研究领域的高级职业生涯做好准备.

您将有机会与亿德体育医院和天普福克斯蔡斯癌症中心的科技学院教师和合作伙伴就尖端计算方法进行合作. 目前的生物信息学研究在坦普尔的许多最先进的实验室和研究中心进行, including the Center for Biophysics and Computational Biology, the Center for Data Analytics and Biomedical Informatics, the Center for Computational Genetics and Genomics, and the Center for Genomics and Evolutionary Medicine. Core faculty members study advances in areas such as

  • biodiversity and the divergence of species over time;  
  • the dynamics, folding, function and structure in proteins;
  • electronic health records, medical images and clinical data; and
  • personalized genomics and genomic medicine.

生物信息学博士课程着重于计算基因组学, computational chemistry and the data sciences. Your first two years in the program include core coursework, giving you two to three years to focus solely on your research. 在你的第一年,你会选择一个专业的轨道,磨练你的专业知识. The four tracks are

  • Biological Data Analysis, which explores information analysis, management and retrieval, analysis and various applied disciplines;
  • Evolutionary Genomics它采用计算方法来研究基因组结构随时间的变化;
  • Evolutionary Medicine, an interdisciplinary field that studies the impact of natural environments on the biology of living organisms; and
  • Structural Bioinformatics, which applies algorithms, 数据挖掘和编程语言研究大分子结构和蛋白质折叠.

Program Requirements

博士研究生有7年的时间完成必修课程、考试和论文. 所有候选人必须满足以下要求,以成功完成生物信息学博士学位.

  • Successful completion of all core curriculum courses with a minimum overall GPA of 3.0 (B grade) in each semester and a cumulative GPA of at least 3.0 for all work completed at Temple University. There can be no more than two grades of less than B-.
  • The qualifying examination这是一个笔试,必须在学生的第四个学期开始时完成. 它的目的是测试学生对生物现象的理解, specific research areas and scientific writing.
  • An original research proposal, 哪一个是一份15到20页的提案,介绍一个研究问题和学生调查这个问题的方法计划.
  • The preliminary thesis examination, 在学生的研究计划获研究生委员会批准后进行,测试学生对研究计划的背景和实质内容的理解(如学生的研究计划未获批准, the student is considered to have not passed the oral examination).
  • The doctoral dissertation, an original, 实证研究表明学生的研究方法的知识和掌握的主要研究领域. 所有的论文研究都在博士论文咨询委员会的指导下进行.
  • The final dissertation defense, which is the culminating event for Bioinformatics PhD candidates. 学生必须成功通过论文答辩,完成生物信息学博士学位.  

Learn more about the Bioinformatics PhD degree requirements.

Classes & Curriculum

The Bioinformatics PhD curriculum requires 36 credit hours. 修读12学分的公共核心课程(所有生物信息学博士生必修课程), 6 credits of core courses (required courses in your chosen track), 所选专业选修课程6学分,研究课程12学分. 学生也可以从坦普尔大学校园里广泛多样的课程中选择课程.

The core courses for the Biological Data Analysis track are as follows.

  • Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining
  • Quantitative Science to Solve Global Problems

The core courses for the Evolutionary Genomics track are as follows.

  • Computational Genomics
  • Population Genetics

The core courses for the Evolutionary Medicine track are as follows.

  • Computational Genomics
  • Fundamentals of Genomic Evolutionary Medicine

The core courses for the Structural Bioinformatics track are as follows.

  • Structural Bioinformatics I
  • Structural Bioinformatics II

All courses and research take place at Temple’s Main Campus, 该项目最先进的实验室和研究中心在哪里.

Learn more about required courses for the Bioinformatics PhD.

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Tuition & Fees

In keeping with Temple’s commitment to access and affordability, 这个哲学博士学位提供有竞争力的学费水平和多种经济支持机会.

学费由大学每年设定,并受到多种因素的影响, including program degree level (undergraduate or graduate), course load (full- or part-time), in-state or out-of-state residency, and more. These tuition costs apply to the 2023–2024 academic year.

Pennsylvania resident: $1,301.00 per credit
Out-of-state: $1,696.00 per credit

You can view the full Cost of Attendance breakdown on the Student Financial Services website.


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