Bachelor of Arts in Anthropology

探索人们如何理解和适应生活在不同的时间设置与 Bachelor of Arts in Anthropology in the College of Liberal Arts at Temple University. 人类学专业侧重于研究人类多样性和文化相对主义, 帮助你培养对世界和人民的欣赏.  

The ways in which culture is created and recorded—through art, communication, literature and music—have greatly evolved over time. By uncovering and analyzing historical artifacts, 你会对全球文化和社会有深刻的理解, 反过来更好地理解你自己社会的具体方面. As a result, 你将为需要文化敏感性和对文化差异的理解的职业做好充分准备. 

123学分的多学科人类学学士课程强调两个主题,旨在整合考古学课程, biological anthropology, sociocultural anthropology and linguistic anthropology. 通过选修与两个主题之一——流动性与全球不平等或进化与人类环境——相关的课程,学生们可以发展他们的研究, analytical and writing skills. 他们还形成了在研究生生活中取得成功所必需的关键技能,以及对以下概念的理解.

  • How humans relate to the natural world.
  • 人类如何构建和操纵他们的文化环境.
  • 阶级、性别、地理位置、种族和性别如何影响权力的获取.
  • 理论是如何与数据的收集和解释联系起来的.
  • 人类文化和生物差异以及它们与人类互动的关系.

Minor in Anthropology

人类学辅修课程是为坦普尔大学所有想要学习一般人类学的本科生设计的, but cannot commit to a full academic major. 选修人类学辅修课程的学生将获得全面的教育,并培养写作和研究技能, 以及以复杂和知情的方式谈论人类社区和社会变革的能力, that help them stand out in the job market. 


Charles Weitz is the program contact for for this minor.

Professor instructing a class at Temple University.

Classes & Curriculum

在人类学专业的课程学习中,学生首先要学习两个主题的入门课程:进化与人类环境以及流动性与全球不平等. Students also must take a methods course. 有四个方法课程可供选择,在以下子字段中各有一个.

  • Fieldwork and Ethnographic Methods
  • Methods in the Study of Environmental Archaeology
  • Methods in the Study of Evolution
  • Research Methods in Culture and Communication

Graduating seniors take a capstone course (either Evolution and Human Environments Capstone or Mobility and Global Inequality Capstone) that seeks to integrate all information, 他们在之前的课程中学到的理论和方法.

In addition to these four required courses, 学生可以使用剩下的七门选修课来探索人类学的所有领域,或者专攻某一感兴趣的特定领域. 我们的教师可以帮助学生进行课程选择, 我们鼓励专业学生寻求教师的建议,以确保他们选择最适合自己兴趣和未来目标的课程组合.

Learn more about the Anthropology Major required courses

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Tuition & Fees

为了与坦普尔大学对获取和负担得起的承诺保持一致, 文学学士学位提供具有竞争力的学费水平,并有多种经济支持机会.

学费由大学每年设定,并受到多种因素的影响, including program degree level (undergraduate or graduate), course load (full- or part-time), in-state or out-of-state residency, and more. You can view the full 学生财务服务网站上的出勤费用明细.

These tuition costs apply to the 2023–2024 academic year.

Pennsylvania resident: $17,976.00 per year
Out-of-state: $32,376.00 per year